Tuesday 12 May 2015

The Vaarz Moon Light

Stay One step closer to the Moon
We love it ... but at this point it is only a crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo.com ... and surprisingly, it is only at 2% funded at the time of this post.

What is it? Well, the creators describe "vaarz" as the First Night Lamp similar to the Earth's only natural satellite Moon. The surface is covered in craters, pits and scars like in real Moon
of volcanic rocks to give more realistic view.

Just go to their website and watch the videoclip - very cool. We would definitely buy it, especially at $259 ... but as we said, at least at this point it needs some more supporters to make it happen!

Main Characteristics
-Bump Surface
-Nature Sounds
-Night / Day Sensor
Floating distance: 25-30mm
Base size: 30x 30 x1sm
Floating object: Moon
Using inductive power system
User Manual: English

Their website:

The indiegogo campaign:

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