Sunday 15 February 2015

Acton RocketSkates

12 mph on a pair of Electric Skates
It started as a KickStarter project making their inventors more than ten times  ($550,725) than the pledged goal ($50,000). Funded! And the skates became reality. 

The big difference to other electric skates - there is no remote control, your feet control the skates by tilting the skates forward to accelerate, and tilting back on your heel to apply the brakes.
Each skate has two hub motors controlled by an on-board microprocessor, and are powered by a lithium-ion battery pack. The skates communicate with each other so they maintain the same speed and behavior.

And, almost a must these days, RocketSkates connect to smartphone via an app. You can monitor your skates and their performance. Route tracking, skate diagnosis, battery status, games, and social interactivity; the app keeps you in touch with other RocketSkaters.

Starting at $499

How to get them - the Acton Global Website

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