Monday 16 March 2015

Flower Power

Your wireless plant monitoring system

So you love your plants ... and can't live without knowing how they do, even when you're not home? We found the solution! The Parrot (yes, that's the guys with the cool drones) Flower Power! In a pot or in the ground, the Parrot Flower Power monitors and analyzes the four parameters essential to your plant's health. Sunlight, Temperature, Fertilizer and Moisture ...

Whenever your Flower Power detects that your attention is needed, you will receive notification on your smartphone or tablet (check compatibility for your device) which uses Bluetooth Smart to connect to Flower Power.

The only question is ... should you be away and know aware your plant needs .. something - who's gonna water or fertilize it for you? We'll keep our eyes open for your new robotic gardener!

For more information please visit the
Parrot Website

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